Serving in the U.S. Marine Corps is a life like no other. It's not for everyone, but some enlistees don't discover that until after they've signed up. Once you enlist, you're usually obligated to serve for a minimum of four years. If you haven't reported to boot camp or you've spent less than six months as a Marine, there are ways to get out of your commitment.
Few 21st century Marines ship out to boot camp right after signing their enlistment papers. Most enlistees opt for the delayed entry program (DEP). This allows them several months or a year to get their affairs in order or to train themselves into qualifying fitness. You don't get paid during your DEP time, and the military has nothing invested in you. If you walk away, it's not a big deal.
Advertisement Article continues below this adThe easiest way to get out is not to show up when you're told to. The boot camp commander will note that you didn't arrive when you were told, and will then begin the discharge process. You'll receive an "uncharacterized" discharge, which is neither honorable nor dishonorable. Unlike a dishonorable discharge, it shouldn't be a black mark on your CV. [ref2, 3]
You can write a letter informing the Marines of your decision, but you don't have to. Writing can work against you, as the recruiter may show up and try to pressure you into fulfilling your obligation. If you stay firm, though, the recruiter has no authority to force you to serve.
If your moment of doubt comes after you've reported to boot camp, it's still not too late. As long as you're in the entry level period -- your first 180 days -- you can request an entry level separation. If you succeed, you'll get an uncharacterized discharge. This rule exists so the UMSC can drop enlistees who don't work out. However, you can turn the ELS rules to your own advantage.
Advertisement Article continues below this adUnlike walking out during the delayed-entry period, you cannot do this alone. There's no formal ELS application process; you need to approach your base command and they have to sign off on your request. The reasons are broad enough to give you some wiggle room, such as an inability to fulfill your duties as a Marine, or failure to adapt to the USMC environment. Before command agrees to let you go, you'll need to undergo counseling. You'll get to talk about your problems, and your superiors may try to fix them and turn you into a Marine, after all.
Before making your request, document the reasons that you're not a good fit for the Marines. Your request for separation has to convince your superiors that continuing to keep you in the Marines is a waste of time and money. Start by talking to the base chaplain or your commanding officer, and continue from there. Don't try to close the deal by deliberately screwing up. That could lead to a court-martial or a dishonorable discharge, which would be much worse on your record.