AwardSpring Application
Sigma Tau Delta uses AwardSpring platform for the application process. Please use the AwardSpring link to apply for scholarships, awards, grants, and internships listed in the table below.
The Summer 2024 AwardSpring cycle will open July 22 and close on August 12 at 4:00 p.m. CDT.
Application Cycles
The AwardSpring platform is organized by cycle. Each cycle offers a unique set of applications. AwardSpring will not generate an application if it isn't offered during the cycle.
Things You Need to Know About Your AwardSpring Application
- Save the AwardSpring user name and password you create. (The password must be at least seven characters and contain at least one upper case, one lower case, one number, and one special character.) Strong applications are not as likely to be produced in just one session at the computer; you will need to log back in.
- For each cycle you must first complete the general application for that cycle. Then you will click "Submit." That will take you to the screen that indicates the applications you are eligible to apply for. Complete the additional questions for the scholarship, award, grant, or internship application. Click "Submit."
- Scholarship applicants must submit an electronic copy of your transcript(s). Official or unofficial transcript copies are acceptable at the time of application.
- AwardSpring will ask you for information about your recommenders and will send an email to request secure, confidential submission of your recommendation letters. Make sure your recommenders are aware of the deadline for receipt of all recommendations is one week after your cycle's deadline.
- You may save your work and complete your application(s) at any time before the cycle deadline.
- Applications close at 4:00 p.m. CT on the date of the cycle's deadline.
Address questions about the AwardSpring online submission process to
Writing and Graphic Standards
Sigma Tau Delta , Department of English
Northern Illinois University , DeKalb, IL 60115-2863
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