Regulations Amending the Canada Labour Standards Regulations: SOR/2019-168

Canada Gazette, Part II, Volume 153, Number 12 Registration
SOR/2019-168 June 3, 2019 CANADA LABOUR CODE P.C. 2019-603 May 31, 2019 Her Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Labour, pursuant to subsection 175(1), section 190 footnote a , subsections 203(2) footnote b , 206.6(5) footnote c and 206.7(6) footnote d , section 209.4 footnote e , subsection 210(3) footnote f and section 264 footnote g of the Canada Labour Code footnote h , makes the annexed Regulations Amending the Canada Labour Standards Regulations .

Regulations Amending the Canada Labour Standards Regulations


(2) Paragraphs 6(7)(a) and (b) of the Regulations are replaced by the following:

(3) Paragraphs 6(7)(d) and (e) of the Regulations are replaced by the following:

(4) Subsection 6(8) of the Regulations is amended by striking out “or” at the end of paragraph (b), by adding “or” at the end of paragraph (c) and by adding the following after paragraph (c):

(5) Subsection 6(13) of the Regulations is replaced by the following:

(13) If, before the end of an averaging period, an employer alters the number of weeks in the averaging period applicable to employees or ceases to calculate the average hours of work of employees, the employer shall, for each hour worked in excess of 40 times the number of weeks in the completed part of the averaging period,

5 (1) Paragraph 10(1)(a) of the Regulations is replaced by the following:

(2) The portion of paragraph 10(1)(b) of the Regulations before subparagraph (i) is replaced by the following:

(3) Subparagraph 10(1)(b)(ii) of the Regulations is replaced by the following:

(4) Subparagraph 10(1)(b)(iv) of the Regulations is replaced by the following:

(5) Subparagraph 10(1)(b)(v) of the English version of the Regulations is replaced by the following:

6 Subsection 13(4) of the Regulations is replaced by the following:

(4) An employer shall pay to an employee who is entitled to it the vacation pay referred to in subparagraph 185(b)(i) of the Act or the amount referred to in subparagraph 185(b)(ii) of the Act, as the case may be,

7 (1) The heading before section 17 of the Regulations is replaced by the following:

Regular Rate of Wages for Purposes of General Holidays, Personal Leave, Leave for Victims of Family Violence and Bereavement Leave

(2) The portion of section 17 of the Regulations before paragraph (b) is replaced by the following:

17 For the purposes of subsections 206.6(2), 206.7(2.1) and 210(2) of the Act, the regular rate of wages of an employee whose hours of work differ from day to day or who is paid on a basis other than time shall be

8 Subsection 19(6) of the Regulations is replaced by the following:

(6) For the purposes of subsection 177.1(1), paragraph 206(1)(a), subsections 206.1(1), 206.4(2) and (2.1), 206.5(2) and (3), 206.6(2), 206.7(2.1), 206.8(1), 210(2), 230(1) and 235(1), paragraphs 239(1)(a) and 240(1)(a) and subsection 247.5(1) of the Act, if an employee is engaged in multi-employer employment, that employee is deemed to be continuously employed.

9 (1) Paragraph 24(2)(e) of the Regulations is replaced by the following:

(2) Paragraph 24(2)(g) of the Regulations is replaced by the following: