UPDATE to NAA Click & Lease Program on 12-22

The NAA Click & Lease Program will be updated on December 22, 2021 to include the following changes to your lease forms. The Release Notes, which are accessible when logged into your NAA Click & Lease Program, include copies of these upcoming forms.

Should you have any questions about these changes, please contact NAA. As always, we recommend you and your local legal counsel review all new and/or updated forms before implementing them into your leasing operations.

Updated Form:

  1. Rental Application
    1. This form will be updated for the following states: GA, IA, IN, KY, MN, MS, NC, ND, NM, SC, SD, WV, WY
    2. Application Agreement paragraph – updated language:
      Approval When Lease Contract Is Signed in Advance. If you and all co-applicants have already signed the Lease Contract when we approve the Application, our representative will notify you (or one of you if there are co-applicants) of our approval, sign the Lease Contract, and then credit the application deposit of all applicants toward the required security deposit or other amounts owed under the Lease Contract when the Lease Contract has been signed.