Welcome to Delaware Technical Community College

The words

At Delaware Tech we are an open-admission institution of higher education committed to Delawareans - to the success of our students, the local employers who hire our graduates, and our communities!

A blue graphic with white text overlaid on top that says You

Virtual Information Sessions

Get answers to your questions about how to get started, programs of study, financial aid, and how to enroll.

A blue and green graphic with white icons overlaid on top of different forms of communication like phones and envelopes

Academic support and student resources are available to help with your academic success. Applicants and enrolled students can access staff, information, resources, and more.

A blue colorized image of a student working in a science lab

100+ Programs of Study

We offer a wide variety of credit programs -- including a bachelor's degree, associate degrees, certificates and diplomas -- designed to prepare you for success in the world of work or to transfer credits to a four-year university.

A blue graphic of a monthly paper calendar with a white calendar icon overlaid on top

Campus Icons: Diamond - Collegewide, D - Dover, G - Georgetown, S - Stanton, W - Wilmington

Alumni Success Stories

Jenn Wells

Visual Communications
Jenn Wells

Erika Taylor

Drug & Alcohol Counseling
Erika Taylor

Katie Sittler

Katie Sittler

Amanda Saitis

Medical Assistant
Amanda Saitis, MSM

What's Happening

State of Delaware Marijuana Commissioner Robert Coupe presents his keynote address during <a href=the 2024 Central Delaware Economic Summit." />

A blue image with the Central Delaware Economic Summit logo at the top and yellow text on the left that says Tuesday, September 17 8 A.M. to noon, registration is $35 with breakfast included, the topic of <a href=the summit is Delaware" />

A large group of people at the Highmark Center of Excellence Ribbon Cutting standing in front of a long red ribbon

Questions? We're here to help. (302) 857-1000 Contact Us

Delaware Technical Community College is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, genetic information, marital status, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender orientation, gender identity or pregnancy, or any other classifications protected by federal, state, and local law. Reports of sexual misconduct and/or discrimination, involving any student or employee of Delaware Technical Community College should be directed to the Title IX/Civil Rights Coordinator or Section 504 Coordinator, at civilrights@dtcc.edu, (302) 857-1903. Reports may also be mailed in writing to Delaware Technical Community College, P.O. Box 897, 100 Campus Drive, Dover, Delaware 19904. Learn more about Title IX/Civil Rights at the College. Auxiliary aides and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. TTY: (800) 232-5470 delawarerelay.com.